The guide to men’s tummy control

Women aren’t the only ones that want to look good and feel their best, us guys do too. With the rise of social media and with many ripped and toned male celebrities on our screen’s day-in-day-out, men all over the world are looking for ways to look as best they can. While regular exercising and […]

Why wear men’s girdles?

Nowadays, it feels as though every male celebrity is super ripped, with a six-pack to die for and barely any body fat. And it’s not just the young rappers or athletes either – celebrities like Hugh Jackman got supper ripped way into his 40s. But for those of us who don’t lead a celebrity lifestyle […]

Top 7 benefits of wearing men’s shapewear

Looking buff and trim is every guy’s dream. With a well-proportioned and toned body shape, looking great in the most daring of clothes is no challenge at all. Every outfit you choose to rock will exude your inner confidence. The truth, however, is that not all of us were blessed with the perfect body type […]

Your ultimate guide to base layers

You’ve probably already heard of base layers – you might even own some in your wardrobe if you take part in any form of outdoor sports, but what are they and why are they so important? With the British weather as unpredictable as ever, it can be tough to know what to wear and pack […]

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