Why wear men’s girdles?

Sculpted Menswear - White Corset Vest - Front

Nowadays, it feels as though every male celebrity is super ripped, with a six-pack to die for and barely any body fat. And it’s not just the young rappers or athletes either – celebrities like Hugh Jackman got supper ripped way into his 40s. But for those of us who don’t lead a celebrity lifestyle and can’t afford to spend hours in the gym with a personal trainer, one answer is a girdle for men. While it might not give you a six-pack, a good girdle can help provide the illusion of a well-proportioned and super-toned physique without forcing you to give up on your favourite foods. Men from all walks of life with different body shapes can enjoy a confidence boost just by adding a girdle to their everyday rotation.

What is a girdle?

Much like the versions offered to women, men’s girdles can help create a framework to sculpt your body shape. Generally made with highly elasticated fabrics to help suck in any unwanted lumps and bumps, girdles come in many different forms. Here at Sculpted Menswear, we have a fantastic variety on offer ranging from waist trainers and traditional underwear to compression vests and shorts. Items like the compression vest are incredibly easy and discreet to wear too, as they act as a regular piece of clothing, so no one needs to know you’re wearing one.

What is the benefit of men wearing girdles?

Immediate Slimming results

If, like me, you’re too busy with work and family commitments to spend hours in the gym with a PT, then a girdle is a seriously great investment. Not only does it improve the look and feel of your torso, giving the illusion of super sculpted abs, it also helps you feel confident too. One of the best options for this is our men’s corset vest – it’s designed for everyday use and looks just like a vest so that it can be neatly hidden away beneath skinny t-shirts and shirts. 

Back Support

Longline girdles aren’t just designed to give you the illusion of a toned waistline; they also offer extra support to the back, offering extra support to the shoulders and neck, making them a great option for anyone that suffers from back pain. 

Improved Posture

Most of us suffer from poor posture – especially those of us who work at a desk hunched over a laptop screen day-in-day-out. Wearing a girdle not only makes you less prone to slouching as it supports the back, but it also trains your body into standing tall when you’re not wearing one helping your posture as you go about your everyday activities. 

Confidence Boost

While girdles haven’t been proven to help you lose weight, you can’t underestimate the confidence boost they offer. Thanks to the elasticated fabrics used in shapewear garments, a girdle helps to give the appearance of a more sculpted physique by flattening out any unwanted lumps and bumps, meaning you can stay confident in even the most daring of outfits. 

Can a girdle help flatten your stomach?

One of the great things about girdles is how versatile they are – available in a wide variety of styles, colours and materials. All of our girdles for men can help to flatten the stomach without the need for a restrictive diet. One popular style is our men’s waist trainer, designed to give you a more sculpted and cinched appearance, all while helping to support your upper body posture. Made from high-quality nylon and spandex and fitted with clasps for comfort, a waist trainer helps to support your ab muscles giving the illusion of a flatter, more toned stomach. 

How do you wear a girdle?

One of the main concerns from most guys looking to invest in a girdle is whether it will be obvious they’re wearing it beneath their clothes. All of the girdles here at Sculpted Menswear have been designed to be practically invisible under clothes, acting as another layer. You’re the only one that will know you’re wearing it, so embrace it and pop it on beneath your shirts or trousers. 

When should a girdle be worn?

There really are no rules when it comes to wearing a girdle. Some guys prefer to wear them every day, others only for special events. Typically when you wear it comes down to the type of girdle and its compression or control level. For example, a lightweight girdle’s purpose is to smooth rather than to control, meaning it’s great for everyday wear, whereas one with firm control is designed to be worn beneath tighter fitting clothes such as skinny jeans or suits to help you feel tucked in and toned. 


We’ve all been there: unhappy with our bodies and feeling like we can’t shift those extra pounds at the gym, annoyed our muscles aren’t growing and bloated after a night on the tiles. Looking for the best and right shapewear can be tough, but when you find the right piece, it can skyrocket your confidence – not to mention give you the illusion of a more toned and sculpted physique. From compression vests to waist trainers, we have something to suit your needs here at Sculpted Menswear. So, what are you waiting for? See for yourself how great shapewear is.

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