A product that was once created to enhance an hourglass figure in women can also be used for men. Men who want to body-build but their pouching belly that prevents them from getting their desired look can use the waist trainer.
Do waist trainers work the same for men and women?
The waist trainer works differently for men and women as they have different body structures. A male anatomy is structured to have a long torso, broader shoulders and a rectangular frame. While women have wider hips and can gain weight on their gluteus areas, a man is designed to naturally gain weight around the stomach. When deciding the best waist trainer to get for you, remember that female and males bodies are different so the waist trainers will be different too.
Can men benefit from wearing waist trainers?
Are you that guy that no matter how long you spend at the gym, the mirror still highlights that resistant pot belly? If that is you, then consider a waist trainer as the body heat generated will speed up your metabolism and help to shred that stubborn fat. If you wear your waist trainer when exercising, the body will heat up faster, sweat more and trim off more adipose tissue. This is ideal for any form of exercise as the mechanism is the same. Whether you are a bodybuilder or you are a runner, the waist trainer will focus on creating that trimmer and sculpted look.
Are waist trainers safe to use?
Professionals have mutually agreed that waist trainers are safe to use if used appropriately. Take it slow, do not speed up the training process. Let your body slowly transform and tighten the waist trainer accordingly. It is recommended to seek your doctor’s advice before and during your waist training. This applies more if you have a known health condition. Some users have reported that when the trainer is worn incorrectly, it can cause gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (heartburn) and difficulty in breathing.
Which waist trainer to buy?
Currently, there is a wide variety of waist trainers available on the market that targets men, women and unisex. As mentioned above, men have a different body structure to women. The optimum male waist trainer will accommodate for their longer torso: hence the front should be longer. Ideally, this type of trainer will focus primarily on the waistline and lower abdominal region. Waist trainers are dependant on the height of a male; a taller man will require a more extended waist trainer.
How to use the waist trainer?
No matter what waist trainer you buy, they all work the same. It’s like buying a new pair of shoes. You have to break into your shoes a few times before it gets comfortable. The theory is the same for the waist trainer. On the first day, you are not expected to wear the waist trainer at the tightest point possible. Initially, you have to break into the waist trainer by wearing it two to three hours a day for a minimum of a month. This will allow the trainer to sculpt the body due to its muscle memory. Over time you can tighten the waist trainer to get the desired shape. Just remember not to wear the trainer too tight in the initial month, it has to be a gradual process.
The waist trainer is a slow process.
Do not expect to see results immediately. This is a slow but lasting process. To achieve the desired body, you have to be consistent with the waist training program as well as a healthy diet and regular exercise. This is not a process for the weak-willed man. It may take several months to notice effective results. If you are the type of man than needs constant reassurance by standing in front of the mirror to monitor progress, then this may not be the program for you. When it comes to waist training, slow and steady wins the race.
Finally, a product that was initially created for women has found its purpose in supporting your everyday man in getting his desired body. Even though results can take time, it will be worth the wait to get rid of that stomach fat. Make your next work out a productive sweaty one by adding in the waist trainer. It will not leave a gaping hole in your pocket. Find your ideal waist trainer and get started on creating your perfect body today.