There are a variety of people you will find at your local fitness centre and then there is you. You may be Britain’s best dad, the successful stockbroker, the best customer service provider or the frontline worker for the NHS. No matter how much you try, you are just not him, the gym goer.
Lucky for you, there is an easier way to lose the excess weight that has been clinging onto your waistline since Christmas. All you have to do is put on a vest. Yes, you read it correctly. Now let’s take a deeper look into how this works.
You may remember when gym gear use to consist of breathable brands such as Nike’s dry fit or Adidas climacool. Even though these brands provided comfort while working out, they did not help with shredding those extra pounds. I can hear you all asking, what is this new vest that will help me lose excess weight? Say hello to the slimming vest. Results can be noticed from the first session you wear it.
The magic behind these slimming vests is that it creates a sauna while working out. It does not allow heat to escape. That’s the magic. You can do a shorter workout and lose more due to the excess sweat that is generated by wearing these non-breathable vests. Gone are the days when you have to rely on weight losing pills that you saw on YouTube or the Chinese herbal tea that your neighbour swears by. All you need to do is wear these vests and sweat.
With the excess sweat build up, will it show on the t-shirt you wear on-top? The answer is no. The material of the vest does not allow the sweat to penetrate through. You can wear the vest when going out with friends or going out for lunch. No one will know. The beauty of it is that you will be losing the excessive fat without even trying. Your friends will have no idea. They will just appreciate how trim you look.
The vest is made out of nylon and neoprene. This is the same material that is used to make wind surfing and diving suits. How cool do those surfers and divers look? You can now look like them in your slimming vest. You be like superman, suited on top with your superpowered vest underneath.
Lets talk more about these superb materials. Nylon belongs to the poly family. It’s strength is that it is versatile. Nylon can be found in day to day products such as a toothbrush. It also has high tech qualities. It is less prone to wear and tear compared to other materials. A fun fact: parachutes use to be made out of silk but then it was switched to the nylon family because of its versatility.
Neoprene also belongs to the poly family. It is a synthetic rubber that maintains flexibility no matter what condition it is exposed too. Famous designers such as Neil Barrett and Christian Louboutin.
Not only can these vests help you lose weight but it can also give you a great posture. Forget about walking with a slouch, the vests promotes walking with your head held high. The excess stomach fat is hidden as the vest compresses it.
There are drawbacks that you need to consider before trying the slimming vest. If you are new to working out and you wear these sauna vests, you have to be careful that the stress of both does not cause your body to overheat. Also, if you have health conditions such as heart disease or diabetes, you must consult with a doctor before trying a slimming vest.
Are you ready to look trimmer? Try out the slimming vest to help you look and feel more confident. Help shred that excess fat faster and start enjoying a healthier life.