Your ultimate guide to base layers

Sculpted Menswear - Sauna Vest

You’ve probably already heard of base layers – you might even own some in your wardrobe if you take part in any form of outdoor sports, but what are they and why are they so important? With the British weather as unpredictable as ever, it can be tough to know what to wear and pack for outdoor sports, that will keep your body temperature regulated and allow you to do everything you need without being too restrictive. And that’s where base layers come in.


What are base layers?

As the name suggests, base layers are the first layer of clothing you put on – it can include underwear, t-shirts, long sleeve tops, leggings and shorts. Most commonly known for keeping the body warm when the temperature drops, base layers sit snugly against the skin trapping a thin layer of warm air against the body. But contrary to popular belief, insulation isn’t the sole purpose of a base layer – a good base layer can also help to keep your body cool on warm days and assist recovery when you’re putting your body through intense training conditions. This is where items like compression shirts, mens tummy tuckers, mens body shapers and more come into play.

Whether you’re a runner, cyclist or love spending hours at the gym training, adding a base layer to your rotation is a smart move. Picking the right one that fits you well and is good for the activity you’re doing will ensure you keep your body temperature regulated without compromising on comfort and mobility during exercise.


What’s the best material for a base layer?

Fabric is one of the most important elements of a good base layer, it can determine the type of fit you can expect, the protection it offers and how it goes about its job of regulating your body temperature. Base layers made from synthetic materials such as polyester, nylon or a blend of different materials are a great option if you’re looking for something that will dry quickly when sweating profusely and offer a comfortable fit if you’re doing more intense exercise such as HiiT and running.

Merino wool base layers are a great option if you’re looking for a softer, more comfortable base layer. You may not think it, but merino wool naturally wicks away moisture to keep you dry and the moisture in the core of its fibres releases when temperatures are too hoot too – offering cooling properties in warmer weather. Merino wool is naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial meaning it’s highly resistant to odour-causing bacteria, keeping your base layers fresher for longer!

Believe it or not, some base layers come in Silk too. Although you probably don’t want to wear it for intense activities, Silk makes the perfect companion for low heart rate activities like Yoga or an easy walk. It offers moderate wicking properties and is incredibly lightweight too, making it a great option to slip under your clothing.


Are base layers made with a tight fit?

Base layers are designed to be tight fitting against your body in order to trap heat next to the skin to insulate your body from the cold and wick away sweat. Naturally, some base layers will fit tighter than others (almost like a second skin), so it’s important that you get the right fit for you, otherwise you’ll find yourself restricted and unable to move with a full range of motion. We recommend when choosing a base layer that you choose a similar size to what you’d normally wear. If you go smaller, you run the risk of it being very uncomfortable and when you go bigger it will be less effective at retaining body heat.


Are base layers the same as compression wear?

It’s easy to think base layers and compression wear are the same thing, after all they look visibly similar and are usually worn under your activewear, but they do feature one main difference. While most compression wear acts as a base layer and features moisture management properties and sweat wicking technology, not all base layers feature compression properties. Compression wear was designed specifically to help aid blood flow, helping to aid recovery before, during and after exercise. Although some base layers help to aid recovery, their sole purpose is to regulate your body temperature through periods of intense activity.


What are the best ways to wear base layers?

Believe it or not, how you choose to wear your base layer is important. First of all, you should always wear your base layer next to your skin – that’s where they work best. Think of your base layer as an extra layer of skin; light to wear and snug to fit, base layers help keep you warm without overheating and cool in hot weather when you’re exerting yourself with outdoor activities. Layering your clothes is more effective than a base layer by itself, especially in colder conditions, as it helps to trap air against the skin to keep you warm. Consisting of multiple layers – a base layer, mid layer and outer layer – this is one of the most effective ways to ensure heat retention even in the coldest conditions.


When should I be wearing base layers?

If you’re active or looking to get more active, a base layer is the perfect garment to incorporate into your gym bag. What type of base layer you go for completely depends on the type of activity you’ll be doing. Our recommendation? Consider opting for a base layer with temperature control. Temperature regulating garments are ideal for keeping you comfortable during training, meaning you can train for longer and feel less stressed at the end of it.

Having a good base layer can significantly improve your training comfort and enjoyment in all seasons and that’s why here at Sculpted Menswear we have made it easy to find something to suit your needs.

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